
This is an old revision of the document!

All Seed Robotics products can be controlled using the Seed Robotics STP Protocol and they also have full support for the Dynamixel Protocol (versions 1 and 2), developed by Robotis.

This means Seed Robotics hands can be connected directly to any existing Dynamixel system.

If you are not using a Dynamixel system, using the Dynamixel protocol still brings a large number of advantages: it is a mature protocol, it has wide support and adoption (for example in ROS where you can find several libraries and code sample available) and it is based on Serial (UART) communication which makes compatible with virtually any host either PC or embedded MCU.

The protocol follows a strict set of principles to regulate communication on the bus:

  • Each device connected to the bus, has a unique ID and behaves as a “slave”
  • Slaves are always silent and will only respond when queried by the master (host)
  • The slaves expose a Control Table, a kind of memory map, where the master can read status variables or write data to trigger actions.
  • The master addresses the slaves by their unique ID and they are addressed using READ or WRITE commands. Extended commands are available to improve bus efficiency such as SYNC_WRITE and BULK_READ but those are beyond the scope of this introduction. Once you master READ and WRITE it should be a breeze to start using the other commands.
  • Every time the master sends a READ or WRITE command to a slave, the slave acknowledges the command by sending a reply packet. (unless you change the setting on Status Return Level; let's leave that for now).

The description of the Control Table memory positions is available for each device:

Seed Robotics designed the Control tables to resemble those of an Robotis MX series sevro; this enables comptibility with RObotis products as well as a large code base built for Dynamixel devices.

Other Protocol features to ensure reliability

  • All commands start with a header of 0xFF 0xFF. No sequence read or written to any device should cause these two bytes to appear on the bus. This offers a way to re sync with the bus at any moment in time.
  • Protection against data corruption is assured, with the addition of CHECKSUM appended to end of each command and each reply.

As an example, in pseudo code, to move an Actuator with ID 2 to position 256, you would send to the bus:



After each WRITE, and assuming Status Return Level is configured to 2, the slave replies with a Status packet. This status packet includes valuable information such as the Error bitmask that reports any errors on the servo.

To build an actual WRITE command you need to follow the Dynamixel protocol syntax. Depending on your protocol version:

Please note: by default, Seed Robotics products come preconfigured to operate on the Dynamixel 1 protocol, which is the most widely used at present.

For example, in pseudo code, to read the current Temperature of an Actuator with ID 7, you would send to the bus:


You would have noticed that READ has the ability to read a sequence of bytes from the Control table: you specify the start address on the Control Table and length of data to read. This is especially efficient when you need to query multiple status variables at once.

When the slave receives the command it will return a Status packet that will include the Requested Information and a Status byte with the error bitmask.

To build an actual READ command you need to follow the Dynamixel protocol syntax. Depending on your protocol version:

Please note: by default, Seed Robotics products come preconfigured to operate on the Dynamixel 1 protocol, which is the most widely used at present.

A return packet is normally always sent by the slave to acknowledge the receipt of a command (WRITE) or to return the information requested by a READ. You may change this behavior if you modify the setting of Status Return Level (memory position 16).

By default this is set to 2, which means “Always Return”. Setting it to 1 will send a return packet for READ commands only and setting it to 0 will never Return any data (not even for Read).

The Return packet is composed of the Slave ID, the read data (if applicable), the error bitmask and the checksum.

The error bitmask is especially useful as it can report failures such as overheating, overload or invalid parameters sent in a command.

For more information on the Status (Return) Packet, depending on your protocol version:

Please note: by default, Seed Robotics products come preconfigured to operate on the Dynamixel 1 protocol, which is the most widely used at present.

As far as we know there is no set timeout between sending a command and receiving a reply. However one can deduce proper timeout values considering the following:

  • Most Dynamixel slave devices have a setting called “Return Delay Time”. This is a virtually introduced delay that was meant to allow time for slower peripherals to switch from TX to RX mode. By default this is set at 500 microseconds. On modern setups users actively disable this, by setting this parameter to 0. Otherwise, if set at 500microsecs, you add significant latency to the communication. The Eros series of firmware no longer supports this setting and will always reply as fast as possible (the equivalent behavior of setting the parameter to 0).
  • The Dynamixel documentation refers (buried deep in the documentation) that a command is considered interrupted if no byte is sent after a period of 100 milliseconds.

We can't really draw a conclusion from this data. Real world experience shows the following:

  • Robotis Dynamixel Wizard seems to use a timeout of 5 milliseconds when scanning the bus: when it PINGs an I D, if no reply is received within 5 milliseconds it assumes a timeout
  • Other users in more complex setups and with commands other than PING use timeouts of at least 20 milliseconds, and on some cases they go up to a full 100 milliseconds.

Our recommendation would be to use 5 milliseconds for PING replies and 20 milliseconds for any other commands. If you experience communication issues, you can try increasing the timeout up to 100 milliseconds. Over 100 milliseconds you'd be operating outside the Robotis own maximum timeout recommendation for Dynamixel communications.

To improve bus efficiency and for added functionality, the Dynamixel Protocol offers enhanced forms of the READ and WRITE commands

  • PING - used to query for a presence of a servo (by detecting a timeout) or to quickly request a Status packet to check the error flags.
  • REG_WRITE and ACTION - these are deprecated commands. They were sued to cache a WRITE command on several slave devices. When all is done, you send an ACTION command to the bus which triggers the slaves to execute the cached WRITE. The purpose is to synchronize operations such as the beginning of a movement.
  • BULK_READ - used to request data from multiple slaves in one go. In this mode, you send the sequence of IDs to read and requested memory positions. The slaves will reply in sequence, one after the other, in the order that you specified in the command. Please note that not all Dynamixel devices support this command.
  • SYNC_WRITE - writes data to multiple slaves in one go. Please note that not all Dynamixel devices support this command.
  • SYNC_READ and BULK_WRITE are only supported in Protocol version 2 and have similar behavior as above.
  • Another feature for improved efficiency is the BROADCAST ID (0xFE). When the master sends a packet to this ID, all slaves will treat the command as address to themselves. There are a few particularities with the Broadcast ID, the main one is that the slaves NEVER reply to a broadcast command. Broadcast is used, for example, to support the BULK_* and SYNC_* commands and to perform WRITES in one go.

For more information, depending on your protocol version:

If you search the web you will find numerous tutorials, samples and libraries to use the Dynamixel Protocol. This document intends to be a high level presentation of the protocol and how it works.

Once you've grasped the high level concepts, it should be pretty straightforward to start building your own commands.

Copyright © 2015-2023 Seed Robotics Ltd

  • dynamixel/dynamixel_protocol.1487876860.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/02/23 19:07
  • by wadmin