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dh4d:home [2017/03/23 16:05] wadmindh4d:home [2018/02/19 11:05] Pedro Ramilo
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-The [[http://www.seedrobotics.com/rh4d-ares-hand.html|Seed Robotics SR-RH4D]] (formerly the SR-DH4D) Hand is an under actuated, advanced Robotic Hand, offering 11DoF total with 4 actuators. (4 actuated DoF)+The [[http://www.seedrobotics.com/rh4d-ares-hand.html|Seed Robotics SR-RH4D]] (formerly the SR-DH4D) Hand is an under actuated, advanced Robotic Hand, offering 11DoF total with 4 actuated DoF (using 4 smart actuators).
-The hand includes five microprocessors: a 32 bit ARM Cortex M4 for High Level control and communication with external peripherals and four ATMEGA88 for distributed low level motion control. All external communication is handled by the ARM processor at 96Mhz.+
-The hardware is designed to receive commands from multiple simultaneous protocols and interfaces. USB and optinally Bluetooth are available and a third interface (the main connector) can be set up as One Wire Half Duplex TTL (0-3.3V~5V), RS485, Full Duplex TTL (0-3.3V~5V).+The hand uses the latest **EROS Architecture** for electronics and software comprised of one main processor - ARM Cortex M4 - and 4x dedicated ATMEGA processors (one on each smart actuator), for distributed and scalable processing of low level motion control.
-Control is performed using a memory mapped paradigmControl Tables enable querying and setting a number of parameters that control and provide real-time feedback on the unit.\\ +The unit is capable of receiving commands simultaneously from multiple interfacesmain connector (RS485 or TTL), USB and optionally Bluetooth.
-Reading and writing the control table is done using the Robotis Dynamixel Protocol (a Serial protocol) or through the Seed Robotics own Text protocol.\\ +
-This Control table is structured to emulate the original Robotis MX series servo (the version that works under Dynamixel V1 protocol), making it compatible out of the box with Robotis products and frameworks such as Robotis OP/OP2 Robot or any Dynamixel based Robot.+
-A versatile, built in, [[dh4d:consolecommands|console interface]] is also available and enables console enables advanced configurationdiagnostics and control. This is especially useful if you have the Bluetooth module installed as it enables real-time diagnostics and tuning without having to interrupt operation of the unit. By default, the console functionality is also available over USB.+To **control the unit and query its status, the unit exposes Control Tables** (a memory-mapped kind of abstraction) where you can write to specific addresses to control the unit or read from other addresses to get real time status information.\\ 
 +A full query cycle usually takes less than 5ms (average 3ms)**enabling closed loop control frequencies of up to 200~250 Hz.** 
 +Reading and writing the control table is done using the Robotis Dynamixel Protocol (a Serial protocol) or through the Seed Robotics own Text protocol.\\ 
 +**Users of Robotis products** should also know that the Control table works under the **Dynamixel 1.0 protocol (AX, MX series) and optionally under the Dynamixel 2 protocol**, for compatibility with the Robotis XM and Pro series.\\ 
 +Such flexibility makes the units directly compatible with Robotis Dynamixel based assemblies and frameworks such as Robotis OP/OP2 Framework, Dynamixel SDK, ROS, PyPot and others.\\ 
 === NOTICE: Change from the Ares to Eros Architecture === === NOTICE: Change from the Ares to Eros Architecture ===
-As of March 1st 2017, we began shipping the RH4D with the new Eros Architecture that already powers the RH7D.\\ +As of March 1st 2017, we began shipping the RH4D with the new, scalable Eros Architecture.\\ 
-Our goal is to have all our units under one commonmodular architecture.+While the external interfaces remain mostly the samethe new architecture scales much better and makes a better distribution of processor load for improved performance.
-We have published information about the transition in the document [[eros:whatsnewvsares|EROS vs ARES architecture: What's new and What's changed]] +Information about the transition is available in the document [[eros:whatsnewvsares|EROS vs ARES architecture: What's new and What's changed]]. 
- +In the interest of organizationwe have moved the documentation related to the [[ares:legacy_introduction|old Architecture (ARES) to separatelegacy section]].\\
-If just purchased your unitplease scroll down to the section pertaining to the EROS Architecture.\\ +
-If you own previous unitplease refer to the ARES section.+
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   * [[dh4d:unpacking+assembly|Unpacking and Mechanical Assembly]]   * [[dh4d:unpacking+assembly|Unpacking and Mechanical Assembly]]
 +  * [[common:connectorpinouts_connectionoptions|Connection Diagrams and Connector Pinouts]]
- +  * [[rh4d:DynamixelIDsandCOMMsettings|Dynamixel Protocol: Default IDs and Communication Settings]]
-==== Testing your Unit ====+
   * [[dynamixel:dynwzrd_ctrltables|Add support for RH4D in Robotis/Roboplus Dynamixel Wizard]]   * [[dynamixel:dynwzrd_ctrltables|Add support for RH4D in Robotis/Roboplus Dynamixel Wizard]]
-  * Using the Darwin-OP Framework: [[dh4d:DarwinOPFramework|Operation with the Darwin-OP Framework]] 
-==== - Eros Architecture - ==== 
-Units built on or after March 1st 2017. 
-=== Command and Control Architecture ===+==== Command and Control Architecture ====
-  * [[eros:dynamixelcontroltables|EROS Control Tables]]+  * [[eros:dynamixelcontroltables|RH7D Control Tables]]
   * [[dynamixel:Dynamixel Protocol|Controlling the unit using the Dynamixel Protocol]] (main connector interface)   * [[dynamixel:Dynamixel Protocol|Controlling the unit using the Dynamixel Protocol]] (main connector interface)
-  * [[seedstpprotocol:Control_using_stp|Control using the Seed Robotics Simple Text Protocol (STP)]] (USB or Bluetooth interface+  * [[seedstpprotocol:Control_using_stp|Control using the Seed Robotics Simple Text Protocol (STP) and Online Diagnostics and Maintenance]] (USB or Bluetooth interface)
-  * [[eros:consolecommands|Complete List of Console Commands]] (to be used in the USB or Bluetooth console)+
 +=== The Console ===
-=== Special configuration features === +EROS units expose a Serial Console through which you can perform a number of queries, obtain real time diagnostics and also control the unit.
-  * [[eros:1023and4095positionrange|1023 (10bit) vs 4095 (12bit) position resolution]]+
 +By default the firmware exposes the Serial Console on the USB Virtual Serial Port and on the Bluetooth interface (if optionally installed).\\
 +Use of the Console can be done simultaneously while controlling your unit through the main connector and while connected to your robot. This enables real time diagnostics and online application of corrective measures.
-==== - Ares Architecture - ==== +  * [[eros:consolecommands|Complete List of Console Commands]] (to be used in the USB or Bluetooth console)
-Units built before March 1st 2017.+
-=== Command and Control Architecture === 
-  * [[dh4d:DynamixelIDsandCOMMsettings|Dynamixel Protocol: Default IDs and Communication Settings]] +=== Special configuration features === 
-  * [[dynamixel:Dynamixel Protocol|Controlling the unit using the Dynamixel Protocol]] (main connector interface) +  * [[eros:1023and4095positionrange|1023 (10bit) vs 4095 (12bit) position resolution]]
-  * [[seedstpprotocol:control_using_stp|Controlling the unit using Seed Robotics Simple Text Protocol (STP)]] (USB and Bluetooth connections) +
-  * [[dh4d:DynamixelControlTables|RH4D Control Tables]] +
- +
-  * [[dh4d:usbconsole|USB Interface: Console for Control and Diagnostics]]  +
-  * [[dh4d:bluetooth|Bluetooth Interface: Console for Control and Diagnostics (optional)]] +
-  * [[dh4d:consolecommands|List of RH4D Console Commands]] +
- +
-  * [[dh4d:1023and4095positionrange|Configuring the SR-DH4D for 1023 (10bit) or 4095 (12bit) position resolution]] +
- +
- +
-==== - Common Documentation - ====+
 === Robots and Frameworks === === Robots and Frameworks ===
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   * [[apisandframeworks:rosandotherframeworks|Operation with ROS, PyPot and other Frameworks]]   * [[apisandframeworks:rosandotherframeworks|Operation with ROS, PyPot and other Frameworks]]
   * [[specialfeatures:force_controlabstract|Current sensing and Force estimation: how it works and how to take advantage of it]]   * [[specialfeatures:force_controlabstract|Current sensing and Force estimation: how it works and how to take advantage of it]]
-  * [[dh4d:OtherProtocolsAndInterfaces|Other protocols and Interfaces]] [ Placeholder ] 
 === In-depth information === === In-depth information ===
-  * [[dh4d:connector_pinouts|Connector Pinouts and Part numbers]]+  * [[common:connectorpinouts_connectionoptions|Connector Pinouts and Part numbers]]
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 ''Legal notice: Seed Robotics makes the 3D CAD files available to __its customers only__ (entities who have purchased or ordered Seed Robotics products), for the sole purposes of building simulations and assessing dimensions and mechanical characteristics. \\ ''Legal notice: Seed Robotics makes the 3D CAD files available to __its customers only__ (entities who have purchased or ordered Seed Robotics products), for the sole purposes of building simulations and assessing dimensions and mechanical characteristics. \\
 __Seed Robotics retains all Copyrights and Intellectual property rights__ pertaining to the material hereby being distributed and does not make any warranty as to its accuracy or fitness for purpose. The publishing of this material, does not constitute a waiver of any of Seed Robotics copyrights and intellectual property rights and does not grant the user any distribution, transfer, ownership or any other rights other than ones explicitly authorized in this notice.''  __Seed Robotics retains all Copyrights and Intellectual property rights__ pertaining to the material hereby being distributed and does not make any warranty as to its accuracy or fitness for purpose. The publishing of this material, does not constitute a waiver of any of Seed Robotics copyrights and intellectual property rights and does not grant the user any distribution, transfer, ownership or any other rights other than ones explicitly authorized in this notice.'' 
-==== Usage Examples: [ under construction ] ==== 
-Note: the section pertaining to usage examples is currently under construction 
-  * [[dh4d:roboplusmotion|Using the Darwin Framework with Robotis Roboplus Motion]] 
-  * [[dh4d:virtualid|Using the Dynamixel Virtual ID for Rapid Application Development]] 
- /* * [[dh4d:forcecontrol_samples|Using the Force Control capability to create an adaptive Handshake]] */ 
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 ==== Maintenance ==== ==== Maintenance ====
-  * [[dh4d:firmware_upgrade|Upgrading your Firmware]]+  * [[eros:upgrademainboard_fw|EROS units: Upgrading the main board Firmware]] 
 +  * [[eros:seedactuators:upgrading_fw|EROS units only: Upgrading the Actuators' firmware]]
-  * [[dh4d:led_errorcodes|LED Error codes]] 
   * [[dh4d:maintenance|Maintaining your Unit in top working condition]]   * [[dh4d:maintenance|Maintaining your Unit in top working condition]]

Copyright © 2015-2023 Seed Robotics Ltd

  • dh4d/home.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/05/12 18:11
  • by SeedR KB Admin